1 Port PCI Parallel Adapter Card PCI1PECP 1 Port PCI Parallel Adapter Card PCI1PECP, +, C2G / Cables to Go 16899 USB To DB25 IEEE-1284 Parallel Printer Adapter Cable ...
Windows 7 64 bit drivers for USB port PCI card - Microsoft Community I want to add a PCI card with external USB 2(or 3) ports and hopefully fire-wire.I've tried two different cards and my PC does not find drivers for either, anyplace. The manufacturer's web site state their cards are plug and play with 7 64 bit --- THEY LI
T-link pci to parallel card driver win7 - Drivers - Windows 7 If this is to connect to a printer to a system without a parrellel port on the motherboard, the it is probably a tp-link @ Any model number?
Driver for Parallel Port card in Windows 7 « How-To Geek Forums I have a terrific "old" printer (an HP LaserJet 2100) that only has a parallel connector and I have a new desktop machine with Windows 7 (64bit) that, of course, does not have a parallel port. I purchased a PCI card on-line to install in the machine to ad
Adding PCI Parallel port card to PC which shipped with no port ... 9 Apr 2010 ... I've recently received some new PCs which were shipped with Windows 7 Professional. I overlooked ...
1 Port PCI Serial Parallel Card | Parallel Serial Card | Perle Perle's SPEED LE1P PCI Parallel Card enables users to add 1 ( one ) IEEE ... Certified for Windows, Vista and Linux. ... 8 Compatible Compatible with Windows 7 Certified for Windows Server 2008.
PCI to Parallel Port Card - Products 1 - 30 of 31 ... Type: PCI to Parallel Port Card; External Ports: 2 x 25 pins ... Operating Systems Supported: Windows 2000, Windows XP/2003/Vista 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows 8 ...
Parallel port card need help - Windows 7 Help Forums ... for the language because I don't know very well. I have a problem with the parallel port card , I have.
Driver for Parallel Port card in Windows 7 « How-To Geek Forums I purchased a PCI card on-line to install in the machine to add the port, but there are no drivers ...
PCIe (PCI Express) Serial and Parallel Port Cards | LAVA: The ... LAVA PCIe (PCI Express) Serial and Parallel Port Cards - Adds any number of ... New Windows 7 certified PCIe drivers.